The best cofounder for oluwasefunmi is...

avatar for r2marcos
Marcos Rosa
avatar for adebola_io
2,071 tweets
5,380 commits
oluwasefunmi spends 28% of their time tweeting and 72% of their time coding
oluwasefunmi and Marcos Rosa are 99% compatible as cofounders
Marcos Rosa
5,370 tweets
2,113 commits
avatar for r2marcos
Marcos Rosa spends 72% of their time tweeting and 28% of their time coding
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avatar for sebola3461

Hatsune Miku

@sebola3461389 followers5,267 tweets2,075 commits
98% match
avatar for mcreenan

Matt Creenan

@mcreenan130 followers5,480 tweets2,044 commits
98% match
avatar for jaezmien

jaezmien.naejara 🐄

@jaezmien162 followers5,302 tweets2,127 commits
98% match
avatar for soub4i


@soub4i2,733 followers5,264 tweets2,051 commits
98% match
avatar for kenny_io

Ekene Eze

@kenny_io9,764 followers5,368 tweets2,200 commits
98% match
avatar for adiig7


@adiig73,960 followers5,435 tweets1,963 commits
98% match
avatar for _yihui

@_yihui1,460 followers5,350 tweets2,211 commits
98% match
avatar for cocktailpeanut

cocktail peanut

@cocktailpeanut13,312 followers5,403 tweets2,231 commits
98% match
avatar for 0xtriboulet

Steve S.

@0xtriboulet3,269 followers5,338 tweets1,893 commits
97% match
avatar for theknaecke

Martin Kamleithner

@theknaecke292 followers5,418 tweets2,260 commits
97% match
avatar for falco_girgis

Falco Girgis

@falco_girgis3,225 followers5,540 tweets2,159 commits
97% match
avatar for johan_stickman


@johan_stickman463 followers5,363 tweets1,829 commits
97% match
avatar for r3pwn

Greg Willard

@r3pwn468 followers5,322 tweets2,277 commits
96% match
avatar for devtooligan

devtooligan (independent arc)

@devtooligan7,889 followers5,397 tweets2,320 commits
96% match
avatar for stevemorgandev

lattes and vim

@stevemorgandev384 followers5,330 tweets2,288 commits
96% match