avatar for decruz
Alvin De Cruz
12,498 tweets
16 commits
Alvin De Cruz spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
Alvin De Cruz and Gaby Mata are 99% compatible as cofounders
Gaby Mata
15 tweets
12,337 commits
avatar for lolgab
Gaby Mata spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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avatar for badlogic

bad logic

@badlogic8 followers0 tweets12,474 commits
100% match
avatar for mottaquikarim

Mottaqui Karim

@mottaquikarim2 followers6 tweets12,608 commits
99% match
avatar for co_valenta

Tomas Valenta

@co_valenta268 followers143 tweets12,510 commits
99% match
avatar for lolgab

Gaby Mata

@lolgab52 followers15 tweets12,337 commits
99% match
avatar for scagood


@scagood25 followers8 tweets12,329 commits
99% match
avatar for lukasskywalker

Lukas Diener (@lukas_skywalker@swiss.social)

@lukasskywalker139 followers130 tweets12,385 commits
98% match
avatar for _eduparra

Edu Parra

@_eduparra1,168 followers47 tweets12,710 commits
98% match
avatar for curtischong5

Curtis Chong

@curtischong5256 followers222 tweets12,458 commits
98% match
avatar for gabrielpoca

gabriel dos santos p

@gabrielpoca0 followers1 tweets12,249 commits
98% match
avatar for sukgler

Apipol Sukgler

@sukgler19 followers26 tweets12,763 commits
98% match
avatar for bufferchunk

Andrey Ruíz

@bufferchunk15 followers124 tweets12,688 commits
98% match
avatar for lucasols

Lucas Santos

@lucasols83 followers75 tweets12,740 commits
98% match
avatar for fccoelho7

Fabio Coelho

@fccoelho7121 followers129 tweets12,695 commits
98% match
avatar for dimasciput

Dimas c,poetra ciput

@dimasciput4 followers0 tweets12,203 commits
98% match
avatar for rafageist

Rafa Rodríguez

@rafageist118 followers22 tweets12,803 commits
98% match
avatar for crawshaw

Dashona Magwood

@crawshaw2 followers2 tweets12,200 commits
98% match