The best cofounder for araslmao is...

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Ferdian Ahmad R
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4,813 tweets
17 commits
araslmao spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
araslmao and Ferdian Ahmad R are 100% compatible as cofounders
Ferdian Ahmad R
24 tweets
4,811 commits
avatar for ferdianahmadr2
Ferdian Ahmad R spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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avatar for jonathan_plasse

Jonathan Plasse

@jonathan_plasse46 followers24 tweets4,823 commits
100% match
avatar for shiftrightonce

Shift Right Once

@shiftrightonce49 followers19 tweets4,832 commits
100% match
avatar for riyadhalnur


@riyadhalnur385 followers11 tweets4,775 commits
99% match
avatar for kaiserpister

Kaiser Pister

@kaiserpister36 followers57 tweets4,818 commits
99% match
avatar for gabeduartem

Gabriel Duarte

@gabeduartem56 followers49 tweets4,799 commits
99% match
avatar for michael1011

michael titchenell

@michael10113 followers6 tweets4,862 commits
99% match
avatar for samueldsr8

Samuel D.

@samueldsr821 followers15 tweets4,750 commits
99% match
avatar for andrasbacsai

András Bácsai

@andrasbacsai32 followers19 tweets4,878 commits
99% match
avatar for turbolent


@turbolent284 followers12 tweets4,875 commits
99% match
avatar for seanmcclr

sean mcclure

@seanmcclr13 followers15 tweets4,739 commits
98% match
avatar for maximousblk

Maximous Black

@maximousblk59 followers6 tweets4,748 commits
98% match
avatar for 1ucian0

Luciano Garofano

@1ucian01 followers0 tweets4,752 commits
98% match
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Enes Furkan Olcay

@xis_xii53 followers38 tweets4,873 commits
98% match
avatar for luizbaldi

luiz baldi

@luizbaldi2 followers8 tweets4,738 commits
98% match
avatar for _hrithik99

Hrithik Yadav

@_hrithik9934 followers37 tweets4,878 commits
98% match