avatar for arpitkhandelwa3
Arpit Khandelwal
894 tweets
2,119 commits
Arpit Khandelwal spends 30% of their time tweeting and 70% of their time coding
Arpit Khandelwal and Julián are 98% compatible as cofounders
2,149 tweets
911 commits
avatar for imjulianeral
Julián spends 70% of their time tweeting and 30% of their time coding
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avatar for imjulianeral


@imjulianeral128 followers2,149 tweets911 commits
98% match
avatar for wigglomigglo


@wigglomigglo66 followers2,135 tweets927 commits
98% match
avatar for lvidalio

Leo Vidal

@lvidalio134 followers2,172 tweets894 commits
98% match
avatar for sol_mocha

Mocha | Seabed Labs 🌊

@sol_mocha564 followers2,127 tweets941 commits
98% match
avatar for mosikasika_c19


@mosikasika_c19517 followers2,096 tweets861 commits
98% match
avatar for guillaumeassier

Guillaume Assier 🌤️

@guillaumeassier1,880 followers2,121 tweets838 commits
98% match
avatar for alistairmcleay

Alistair McLeay

@alistairmcleay578 followers2,082 tweets863 commits
98% match
avatar for crackedwhiplash

Akash Bhalotia

@crackedwhiplash208 followers2,061 tweets923 commits
97% match
avatar for camkemdev


@camkemdev514 followers2,099 tweets825 commits
97% match
avatar for itswilsonhou

Wilson Hou

@itswilsonhou1,361 followers2,103 tweets819 commits
97% match
avatar for ahmedamirdev

🔻Ahmed Amir

@ahmedamirdev176 followers2,029 tweets890 commits
97% match
avatar for dadycodes

Richson Simmz

@dadycodes1,138 followers2,076 tweets841 commits
97% match
avatar for luiko0

Luis Carlos

@luiko0129 followers2,022 tweets893 commits
97% match
avatar for richarthdev

Richard Thompson

@richarthdev306 followers2,154 tweets963 commits
97% match
avatar for imjp19_

Jay Patel

@imjp19_1,952 followers2,155 tweets807 commits
96% match
avatar for astrodeeptej


@astrodeeptej261 followers2,153 tweets984 commits
96% match