The best cofounder for Anthony Sistilli is...

avatar for ivanleomk
Ivan Leo ( In SF from 20 June - 1 July )
avatar for sistillianthony
Anthony Sistilli
1,674 tweets
2,171 commits
Anthony Sistilli spends 44% of their time tweeting and 56% of their time coding
Anthony Sistilli and Ivan Leo ( In SF from 20 June - 1 July ) are 99% compatible as cofounders
Ivan Leo ( In SF from 20 June - 1 July ) spends 56% of their time tweeting and 44% of their time coding
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avatar for monzersmiledev

M O 🦀

@monzersmiledev290 followers2,172 tweets1,740 commits
98% match
avatar for nonodev96


@nonodev96100 followers2,203 tweets1,637 commits
98% match
avatar for clumsy_coder

Kaushal Joshi

@clumsy_coder421 followers2,165 tweets1,737 commits
98% match
avatar for ojasaklecha

Ojas Aklecha

@ojasaklecha209 followers2,211 tweets1,607 commits
97% match
avatar for mhdzidannn

Zaidan Khalil

@mhdzidannn171 followers2,274 tweets1,669 commits
97% match
avatar for its_ramaadi


@its_ramaadi114 followers2,251 tweets1,639 commits
97% match
avatar for rhageevl


@rhageevl1,445 followers2,252 tweets1,713 commits
97% match
avatar for brrrunog

Bruno Garcia

@brrrunog2,958 followers2,273 tweets1,636 commits
96% match
avatar for pobidowski

Piotr Obidowski

@pobidowski546 followers2,015 tweets1,673 commits
96% match
avatar for josefleventon_


@josefleventon_772 followers2,058 tweets1,624 commits
96% match
avatar for grafblutwurst

Graf Blutwurst

@grafblutwurst155 followers2,014 tweets1,667 commits
96% match
avatar for visheshbansal17

Vishesh Bansal

@visheshbansal171,121 followers2,025 tweets1,704 commits
95% match
avatar for taladropolis

Fernando Taladriz

@taladropolis517 followers2,266 tweets1,588 commits
95% match
avatar for subrupt


@subrupt79 followers2,104 tweets1,558 commits
95% match
avatar for herkulano

Herculano Campos

@herkulano517 followers2,191 tweets1,508 commits
95% match