avatar for atulit_gaur
30,378 tweets
876 commits
atulit spends 97% of their time tweeting and 3% of their time coding
atulit and mehfooz ur rehman are 96% compatible as cofounders
mehfooz ur rehman
0 tweets
29,983 commits
avatar for mehfoozurrehman
mehfooz ur rehman spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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avatar for koddsson

Kristján Oddsson

@koddsson1,041 followers869 tweets30,561 commits
99% match
avatar for motdotla


@motdotla156 followers790 tweets29,912 commits
98% match
avatar for apuntovanini

Andrea Vanini

@apuntovanini697 followers820 tweets30,891 commits
98% match
avatar for rellfy

Lorenzo Fontoura

@rellfy1,153 followers1,084 tweets30,795 commits
98% match
avatar for patxibocos

Patxi Bocos

@patxibocos309 followers1,600 tweets30,241 commits
97% match
avatar for gyfis

Tomas Hromada

@gyfis229 followers403 tweets29,912 commits
97% match
avatar for jaimehing

Jaime Hing

@jaimehing452 followers826 tweets31,274 commits
97% match
avatar for sridca

Sridhar Ratnakumar

@sridca315 followers1,430 tweets29,843 commits
97% match
avatar for reitermarkus

Markus Reiter

@reitermarkus85 followers68 tweets30,061 commits
96% match
avatar for saeed_khatami_

Saeed Khatami

@saeed_khatami_31 followers690 tweets29,408 commits
96% match
avatar for acoshift


@acoshift76 followers1,810 tweets30,154 commits
96% match
avatar for broskoski

Charles Broskoski

@broskoski3,601 followers1,209 tweets29,527 commits
96% match
avatar for filipchalupa

Filip Chalupa

@filipchalupa99 followers494 tweets31,183 commits
96% match
avatar for billyvg


@billyvg325 followers1,312 tweets31,161 commits
96% match
avatar for mehfoozurrehman

mehfooz ur rehman

@mehfoozurrehman0 followers0 tweets29,983 commits
96% match
avatar for loganmcansh

Logan McAnsh

@loganmcansh51 followers8 tweets29,937 commits
96% match