The best cofounder for Ayushmaan Shukla is...

avatar for sudhanss_u
Sudhanshu Ranjan
avatar for ayush_maan_
Ayushmaan Shukla
1,820 tweets
427 commits
Ayushmaan Shukla spends 81% of their time tweeting and 19% of their time coding
Ayushmaan Shukla and Sudhanshu Ranjan are 99% compatible as cofounders
Sudhanshu Ranjan
426 tweets
1,836 commits
avatar for sudhanss_u
Sudhanshu Ranjan spends 19% of their time tweeting and 81% of their time coding
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Eli Rousso

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99% match
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@semkolol179 followers380 tweets1,820 commits
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Jair Yara

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