The best cofounder for diet samosa is...

avatar for jenil777007
avatar for beetlejusee
diet samosa
1,076 tweets
763 commits
diet samosa spends 59% of their time tweeting and 41% of their time coding
diet samosa and Jenil are 99% compatible as cofounders
758 tweets
1,069 commits
avatar for jenil777007
Jenil spends 41% of their time tweeting and 59% of their time coding
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@xsplsh519 followers744 tweets1,084 commits
99% match
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@damaradiprabowo257 followers763 tweets1,049 commits
99% match
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@gopalindians345 followers747 tweets1,062 commits
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@ddaalee207 followers753 tweets1,046 commits
98% match
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Danilo Catapan

@danilocatapan57 followers735 tweets1,060 commits
98% match
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David Acevedo I.

@dekodev225 followers794 tweets1,102 commits
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Erencan Arica ⚛️

@imeronn705 followers705 tweets1,070 commits
97% match
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Stefan Judis

@stefanjudis12,888 followers773 tweets1,021 commits
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Callum McIntyre 🪽

@callum_codes1,688 followers721 tweets1,047 commits
96% match
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Ethan Arrowood

@arrowoodtech4,401 followers698 tweets1,083 commits
96% match
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Priyanshu Chouhan

@priynshuchouhn387 followers797 tweets1,037 commits
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Eoghan O'Brien

@eoghanobrien231 followers747 tweets1,136 commits
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@_enamya205 followers728 tweets1,034 commits
96% match
avatar for henokademtew

Henok B Ademtew

@henokademtew552 followers835 tweets1,081 commits
96% match
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Mr. Alam

@muhammadsonu15380 followers764 tweets1,154 commits
96% match