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Bhushan Pardeshi
347 tweets
170 commits
Bhushan Pardeshi spends 67% of their time tweeting and 33% of their time coding
Bhushan Pardeshi and Yusuf Cihan are 97% compatible as cofounders
Yusuf Cihan
176 tweets
355 commits
avatar for ysfchn
Yusuf Cihan spends 33% of their time tweeting and 67% of their time coding
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Luis | Lullaby Design

@minerhorst36 followers173 tweets349 commits
99% match
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Xiaoyi Sun

@marksun11189 followers177 tweets344 commits
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Alejandro Madrigal Leiva

@alemadlei51 followers179 tweets345 commits
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dh Web Design

@dhwebdesign155 followers177 tweets341 commits
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Yusuf Cihan

@ysfchn6 followers176 tweets355 commits
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robbe 👨🏼‍💻

@robbevrstr1,766 followers156 tweets342 commits
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Kulvir Singh

@kulvirdotgg30 followers155 tweets343 commits
96% match
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@izqalan130 followers161 tweets336 commits
96% match
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@eeem77120 followers151 tweets345 commits
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Mahendra Priolkar

@sorciermahep17 followers188 tweets350 commits
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@qurashi_akeel17 followers156 tweets355 commits
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Mauro De Falco

@maurodf082 followers160 tweets360 commits
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Joshua Cobos Valle

@limmunque24 followers197 tweets348 commits
95% match
avatar for kharyaritik


@kharyaritik30 followers158 tweets331 commits
95% match