avatar for __silent_
12,581 tweets
5,170 commits
Silent spends 71% of their time tweeting and 29% of their time coding
Silent and DIŸgöd ☀️ are 96% compatible as cofounders
DIŸgöd ☀️
5,727 tweets
12,457 commits
avatar for diygod
DIŸgöd ☀️ spends 31% of their time tweeting and 69% of their time coding
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avatar for palazzovincenzo

Vincenzo Palazzo

@palazzovincenzo1,335 followers5,225 tweets12,585 commits
100% match
avatar for redth

redth 🇨🇦

@redth3,778 followers5,186 tweets12,723 commits
99% match
avatar for calebmer

Caleb Meredith

@calebmer2,519 followers5,233 tweets12,464 commits
99% match
avatar for joshdeltener

Josh Deltener

@joshdeltener1,662 followers5,197 tweets12,960 commits
98% match
avatar for diygod

DIŸgöd ☀️

@diygod23,977 followers5,727 tweets12,457 commits
96% match
avatar for sjelfull

Fred Carlsen

@sjelfull861 followers5,813 tweets12,525 commits
96% match
avatar for wilburpowery


@wilburpowery1,421 followers5,770 tweets12,693 commits
96% match
avatar for pirosb3

Daniel Pyrathon

@pirosb32,377 followers5,199 tweets13,299 commits
96% match
avatar for davidnewell95

David Newell

@davidnewell951,177 followers5,592 tweets12,251 commits
96% match
avatar for maxvidalinc

👨‍💻 Maxvyr 🇯🇵

@maxvidalinc230 followers4,856 tweets13,056 commits
96% match
avatar for salisbury_joe

Joe Salisbury

@salisbury_joe539 followers5,093 tweets13,411 commits
95% match
avatar for arush_sal


@arush_sal508 followers4,473 tweets12,803 commits
95% match
avatar for robscott


@robscott123 followers4,568 tweets12,912 commits
95% match
avatar for felipeleusin

Felipe Leusin

@felipeleusin340 followers4,666 tweets12,114 commits
95% match
avatar for mcavaliere

Mike Cavaliere

@mcavaliere1,131 followers5,358 tweets11,795 commits
95% match
avatar for dazworrall

Darren Worrall

@dazworrall319 followers4,479 tweets12,876 commits
94% match