avatar for veyroncx__
646 tweets
10 commits
vron spends 98% of their time tweeting and 2% of their time coding
vron and Riccardo Erra are 98% compatible as cofounders
Riccardo Erra
19 tweets
641 commits
avatar for riccardoerra
Riccardo Erra spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
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avatar for drjaydenm

Jayden Meyer

@drjaydenm46 followers12 tweets647 commits
100% match
avatar for yumikodev

Yasu Yumiko

@yumikodev6 followers13 tweets647 commits
99% match
avatar for _karanjot_s


@_karanjot_s11 followers13 tweets645 commits
99% match
avatar for unidade_dev

Dario Rodrigues

@unidade_dev6 followers7 tweets643 commits
99% match
avatar for romera02rrs


@romera02rrs6 followers12 tweets654 commits
98% match
avatar for omznc


@omznc17 followers20 tweets646 commits
98% match
avatar for miguelmoche

Moche Miguel

@miguelmoche0 followers1 tweets647 commits
98% match
avatar for matiasmjcs


@matiasmjcs6 followers2 tweets643 commits
98% match
avatar for liow4s


@liow4s38 followers19 tweets648 commits
98% match
avatar for imhalawa

Mohamed Halawa

@imhalawa16 followers0 tweets647 commits
98% match
avatar for silveriorj

Silverio Souza

@silveriorj1 followers0 tweets644 commits
98% match
avatar for ashiqsultan


@ashiqsultan32 followers12 tweets656 commits
98% match
avatar for _spinmoves


@_spinmoves3 followers8 tweets657 commits
98% match
avatar for heruputra

Heru Hang Tryputra

@heruputra350 followers0 tweets650 commits
98% match
avatar for riccardoerra

Riccardo Erra

@riccardoerra496 followers19 tweets641 commits
98% match
avatar for mattkinnersley_


@mattkinnersley_20 followers12 tweets634 commits
98% match