The best cofounder for enews???  is...

avatar for shell0rd
Saheen Shoukath
avatar for enewsontweet
enews??? 
2,486 tweets
293 commits
enews???  spends 89% of their time tweeting and 11% of their time coding
enews???  and Saheen Shoukath are 100% compatible as cofounders
Saheen Shoukath
281 tweets
2,485 commits
avatar for shell0rd
Saheen Shoukath spends 10% of their time tweeting and 90% of their time coding
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@bevatsal112299 followers294 tweets2,499 commits
99% match
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Anthony Teo

@yihonganthony27,947 followers300 tweets2,478 commits
99% match
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Eren Akbulut

@erenakbulut23221 followers278 tweets2,472 commits
99% match
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@bohirjonahmed45 followers301 tweets2,512 commits
99% match
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lukkiddd 🧮

@lukkiddd91 followers261 tweets2,494 commits
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Patrick D. McGuckian

@pdmcguckian394 followers326 tweets2,498 commits
98% match
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Ritesh Ghosh 👒

@_riteshghosh40 followers310 tweets2,516 commits
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χ² (🌉,☮️)

@chitimeschi315 followers272 tweets2,460 commits
98% match
avatar for hooksie1

Vim Halen

@hooksie193 followers340 tweets2,491 commits
98% match
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@arionice2494 followers308 tweets2,448 commits
98% match
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William Callahan

@williamcallahan953 followers241 tweets2,482 commits
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Marc Littlemore 👋🏻

@marclittlemore2,558 followers259 tweets2,463 commits
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Christopher Wallace

@christopherwxyz886 followers237 tweets2,485 commits
98% match
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yelhousni.eth @EthBelgrade

@youssefelhousn3661 followers249 tweets2,501 commits
98% match
avatar for robingiel

Robin Giel

@robingiel84 followers283 tweets2,432 commits
98% match