Esteban Maya Cadavid spends 36% of their time tweeting and 64% of their time coding
Esteban Maya Cadavid and Bram Versluis are 96% compatible as cofounders
Bram Versluis
625 tweets
382 commits
avatar for yungtosti
Bram Versluis spends 62% of their time tweeting and 38% of their time coding
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avatar for heyngra


@heyngra141 followers637 tweets371 commits
98% match
avatar for ar___212


@ar___212172 followers641 tweets378 commits
98% match
avatar for 0xegao


@0xegao121 followers643 tweets332 commits
97% match
avatar for yungtosti

Bram Versluis

@yungtosti405 followers625 tweets382 commits
96% match
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Abhishek Sood

@itsabhisheksood1,208 followers618 tweets376 commits
96% match
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Pol Espinasa

@sliv3r__470 followers644 tweets399 commits
96% match
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@ainfadzil12324 followers676 tweets367 commits
96% match
avatar for khalilhimura

Khalil Nooh

@khalilhimura327 followers652 tweets326 commits
96% match
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@0xnoushad592 followers659 tweets389 commits
95% match
avatar for sarismejiasanch

Sara María Mejía Sánchez

@sarismejiasanch57 followers650 tweets320 commits
95% match
avatar for lolzyfurr


@lolzyfurr712 followers674 tweets343 commits
95% match
avatar for leepownall

Lee Pownall

@leepownall164 followers624 tweets322 commits
95% match
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@littg_nasuverse174 followers662 tweets323 commits
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Dhruv Kaushik

@dhruvkaushik30538 followers641 tweets302 commits
94% match
avatar for calebbuening


@calebbuening307 followers653 tweets406 commits
94% match
avatar for boulhouech

Slím Boulhouech

@boulhouech88 followers601 tweets338 commits
94% match