avatar for fredlons0
4,495 tweets
105 commits
fredinand spends 98% of their time tweeting and 2% of their time coding
fredinand and DevMiner are 99% compatible as cofounders
111 tweets
4,553 commits
avatar for thedevminertv
DevMiner spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
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avatar for 0xthierry

Thierry Santos

@0xthierry176 followers97 tweets4,515 commits
99% match
avatar for dsabolo

Diego Sabolo

@dsabolo173 followers108 tweets4,524 commits
99% match
avatar for claudiodekker

Claudio Dekker

@claudiodekker3,205 followers123 tweets4,513 commits
99% match
avatar for hserkanyilmaz

Serkan Yilmaz

@hserkanyilmaz183 followers131 tweets4,483 commits
99% match
avatar for romulovalez

Rómulo Valez

@romulovalez30 followers67 tweets4,492 commits
99% match
avatar for oromancov

Ondřej Romancov

@oromancov159 followers111 tweets4,459 commits
99% match
avatar for rsurya99

Rafli Surya Pratama

@rsurya9953 followers62 tweets4,490 commits
99% match
avatar for _alexramalho

Alex Ramalho

@_alexramalho145 followers140 tweets4,477 commits
99% match
avatar for thedevminertv


@thedevminertv50 followers111 tweets4,553 commits
99% match
avatar for kataqatsi


@kataqatsi231 followers39 tweets4,496 commits
99% match
avatar for datagutt


@datagutt632 followers40 tweets4,493 commits
99% match
avatar for aless2003

Alessia Salazar

@aless200337 followers71 tweets4,456 commits
98% match
avatar for klausify


@klausify167 followers64 tweets4,462 commits
98% match
avatar for shouples


@shouples44 followers47 tweets4,511 commits
98% match
avatar for shub4am

Shubham Prakash

@shub4am79 followers175 tweets4,487 commits
98% match
avatar for guychienll

Guy Chien

@guychienll3 followers31 tweets4,491 commits
98% match