The best cofounder for fxdemir is...

avatar for saugardev
avatar for fxdemir
1,289 tweets
884 commits
fxdemir spends 59% of their time tweeting and 41% of their time coding
fxdemir and Saul are 98% compatible as cofounders
915 tweets
1,293 commits
avatar for saugardev
Saul spends 41% of their time tweeting and 59% of their time coding
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avatar for tomascodes

tomas ✨

@tomascodes293 followers899 tweets1,310 commits
98% match
avatar for vzarytovskii

Vlæd Zá -

@vzarytovskii1,178 followers858 tweets1,278 commits
98% match
avatar for khushiyant

Khushiyant Chauhan

@khushiyant399 followers875 tweets1,256 commits
98% match
avatar for steven2358

Steven Van Vaerenbergh

@steven2358289 followers875 tweets1,327 commits
98% match
avatar for krayorn

Nathael ⚔️

@krayorn177 followers865 tweets1,321 commits
98% match
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@arbizzen158 followers883 tweets1,340 commits
98% match
avatar for notanmay


@notanmay69 followers936 tweets1,291 commits
98% match
avatar for dani_avila7

Daniel San

@dani_avila75,170 followers882 tweets1,232 commits
97% match
avatar for yashpimple22

Yash Pimple

@yashpimple22847 followers913 tweets1,258 commits
97% match
avatar for ethanniser

Ethan Niser

@ethanniser2,565 followers831 tweets1,297 commits
97% match
avatar for swapsha96


@swapsha9677 followers945 tweets1,282 commits
97% match
avatar for codeesura


@codeesura3,765 followers936 tweets1,269 commits
97% match
avatar for dhruv___anand

Dhruv Anand

@dhruv___anand386 followers828 tweets1,311 commits
96% match
avatar for anoop0567

Anoop Chauhan

@anoop0567393 followers881 tweets1,371 commits
96% match
avatar for pedrospective

Pedro Araújo

@pedrospective306 followers800 tweets1,287 commits
96% match