avatar for iamnotoc
248 tweets
2,781 commits
OC spends 8% of their time tweeting and 92% of their time coding
OC and Gonzalo Guevara are 97% compatible as cofounders
Gonzalo Guevara
2,695 tweets
256 commits
avatar for gonzalo2683
Gonzalo Guevara spends 91% of their time tweeting and 9% of their time coding
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avatar for filip_dragovic

Filip Dragovic

@filip_dragovic5,980 followers2,781 tweets271 commits
99% match
avatar for okikio_dev

Okiki Ojo

@okikio_dev591 followers2,794 tweets231 commits
99% match
avatar for tigran_iii

Tigran Karakhanyan

@tigran_iii899 followers2,754 tweets240 commits
99% match
avatar for _feynon

Ankesh Bharti

@_feynon205 followers2,789 tweets281 commits
99% match
avatar for singhks0054

Krishna Singh

@singhks0054426 followers2,762 tweets273 commits
99% match
avatar for sabbir__tanvir

T A N V I R 🇵🇸

@sabbir__tanvir821 followers2,839 tweets241 commits
98% match
avatar for mohammadsianaki

Mohammad Sianaki

@mohammadsianaki519 followers2,830 tweets265 commits
98% match
avatar for alfrednerstu


@alfrednerstu1,589 followers2,785 tweets312 commits
98% match
avatar for ismtr


@ismtr1,328 followers2,792 tweets306 commits
98% match
avatar for realpochito427

Alfonso Jiménez

@realpochito427546 followers2,704 tweets250 commits
97% match
avatar for gonzalo2683

Gonzalo Guevara

@gonzalo2683318 followers2,695 tweets256 commits
97% match
avatar for capitanbublo


@capitanbublo214 followers2,715 tweets279 commits
97% match
avatar for mikeepme

Miguel 🍔

@mikeepme229 followers2,854 tweets281 commits
97% match
avatar for bnistor4

bnistor4 😎 mvx.tools

@bnistor41,555 followers2,877 tweets227 commits
96% match
avatar for adpthegreat


@adpthegreat298 followers2,884 tweets231 commits
96% match
avatar for ivanocj

Ivan Costa

@ivanocj152 followers2,670 tweets235 commits
96% match