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Jay Patel
2,155 tweets
807 commits
Jay Patel spends 73% of their time tweeting and 27% of their time coding
Jay Patel and Tony N are 97% compatible as cofounders
Tony N
740 tweets
2,182 commits
avatar for tbotnz
Tony N spends 25% of their time tweeting and 75% of their time coding
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avatar for krutikkkkkkkkk

UI Critic ~ Figma Boy

@krutikkkkkkkkk201 followers815 tweets2,190 commits
99% match
avatar for collinalpert

Collin Alpert

@collinalpert119 followers813 tweets2,115 commits
98% match
avatar for donfungible

Don 🧙‍♂️

@donfungible1,833 followers839 tweets2,125 commits
98% match
avatar for gunesevitan


@gunesevitan654 followers838 tweets2,186 commits
98% match
avatar for sahinffurkan


@sahinffurkan275 followers831 tweets2,111 commits
98% match
avatar for avestura


@avestura414 followers742 tweets2,150 commits
98% match
avatar for iamusamabuttar

Usama Buttar

@iamusamabuttar131 followers743 tweets2,164 commits
98% match
avatar for harsh_dwivedi7

Harsh Dwivedi | Building Medial

@harsh_dwivedi7541 followers732 tweets2,147 commits
97% match
avatar for nozomuikuta

Nozomu Ikuta

@nozomuikuta329 followers715 tweets2,153 commits
97% match
avatar for tbotnz

Tony N

@tbotnz456 followers740 tweets2,182 commits
97% match
avatar for ykkcode

Kaan Karakaya

@ykkcode580 followers785 tweets2,231 commits
97% match
avatar for nsfisis


@nsfisis86 followers773 tweets2,221 commits
97% match
avatar for olaolumustapha


@olaolumustapha190 followers904 tweets2,147 commits
96% match
avatar for igloczek

Bartek Igielski

@igloczek1,116 followers902 tweets2,168 commits
96% match
avatar for auxten


@auxten1,451 followers725 tweets2,181 commits
96% match
avatar for tiangolo

Sebastián Ramírez

@tiangolo65,961 followers780 tweets2,072 commits
96% match