The best cofounder for parbez is...

avatar for iownfivewiis
Emma (IPG) x64dbg
avatar for notparbez
545 tweets
16,657 commits
parbez spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
parbez and Emma (IPG) x64dbg are 99% compatible as cofounders
Emma (IPG) x64dbg
16,556 tweets
621 commits
avatar for iownfivewiis
Emma (IPG) x64dbg spends 96% of their time tweeting and 4% of their time coding
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avatar for arffsaad


@arffsaad666 followers16,748 tweets633 commits
99% match
avatar for endless_sine

Arylative Cope ⌬ 🧪 🥭 🏳️‍⚧️

@endless_sine2,310 followers16,645 tweets724 commits
99% match
avatar for ohhhtis

Michael Otis

@ohhhtis1,493 followers16,681 tweets322 commits
99% match
avatar for dhuma1981

Dhrumil Shah 🏡 💙

@dhuma19816,202 followers16,770 tweets701 commits
98% match
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Utku Şen

@utkusen31,558 followers16,905 tweets487 commits
98% match
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Nigel James

@njames2,337 followers16,396 tweets596 commits
98% match
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Soviet Panda🐨

@jaarabytes920 followers16,418 tweets444 commits
98% match
avatar for tomcreighton

Tom Creighton

@tomcreighton3,273 followers16,575 tweets274 commits
98% match
avatar for rezarzky


@rezarzky914 followers16,848 tweets379 commits
98% match
avatar for torrealbadev

Miguel Torrealba

@torrealbadev691 followers17,013 tweets440 commits
97% match
avatar for davidsmooke

David Smooke

@davidsmooke12,000 followers16,875 tweets297 commits
97% match
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Mohamed Elsherif

@bashmohandes44,244 followers16,920 tweets289 commits
97% match
avatar for 1ndi60


@1ndi6010,272 followers17,016 tweets381 commits
97% match
avatar for paul19988

Paul The Alien 👽

@paul19988738 followers16,574 tweets987 commits
97% match
avatar for tahaturgut2

Kenobi The Ginger

@tahaturgut2991 followers16,605 tweets70 commits
97% match