avatar for jayash_tripathy
Jayash Tripathy
117 tweets
1,755 commits
Jayash Tripathy spends 6% of their time tweeting and 94% of their time coding
Jayash Tripathy and canonale are 97% compatible as cofounders
1,732 tweets
156 commits
avatar for canonale
canonale spends 92% of their time tweeting and 8% of their time coding
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avatar for michaelknyazev

Michael Knyazev

@michaelknyazev710 followers1,746 tweets133 commits
99% match
avatar for kerothebosa

Keroflex 💯

@kerothebosa74 followers1,732 tweets111 commits
98% match
avatar for jrtkst


@jrtkst57 followers1,789 tweets98 commits
97% match
avatar for imurfavceo

Gleb Braverman

@imurfavceo872 followers1,806 tweets112 commits
97% match
avatar for ar1sfr

Aris Fathur Rahman ☕

@ar1sfr94 followers1,734 tweets80 commits
97% match
avatar for baskwalla

Chad Thoreson

@baskwalla170 followers1,731 tweets152 commits
97% match
avatar for vulpeeze


@vulpeeze121 followers1,790 tweets93 commits
97% match
avatar for flyingcroissant

Andrew Bugera

@flyingcroissant30 followers1,702 tweets108 commits
97% match
avatar for canonale


@canonale59 followers1,732 tweets156 commits
97% match
avatar for hencylara

Hency Lara

@hencylara89 followers1,737 tweets70 commits
97% match
avatar for xkyurax1


@xkyurax143 followers1,792 tweets87 commits
96% match
avatar for poptartwii


@poptartwii77 followers1,732 tweets163 commits
96% match
avatar for zilobois


@zilobois102 followers1,751 tweets185 commits
96% match
avatar for macartuche

Manuel Cartuche

@macartuche234 followers1,814 tweets86 commits
95% match
avatar for god


@god546,117 followers1,763 tweets35 commits
95% match
avatar for inexsistencia


@inexsistencia28 followers1,716 tweets65 commits
95% match