avatar for janj_bnck
Jan Biernacik
31 tweets
61 commits
Jan Biernacik spends 34% of their time tweeting and 66% of their time coding
Jan Biernacik and Nelson cespedes are 84% compatible as cofounders
Nelson cespedes
76 tweets
31 commits
avatar for nelsonc24
Nelson cespedes spends 71% of their time tweeting and 29% of their time coding
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avatar for bajomosemilore


@bajomosemilore171 followers58 tweets32 commits
96% match
avatar for fsfsmk


@fsfsmk1 followers64 tweets34 commits
93% match
avatar for mayk03jun

Mayank Agarwal

@mayk03jun24 followers53 tweets32 commits
90% match
avatar for luispicon_01

Luis Picón

@luispicon_014 followers62 tweets40 commits
89% match
avatar for abhishreypant

Abhishrey Pant

@abhishreypant16 followers51 tweets31 commits
89% match
avatar for axeelheaven


@axeelheaven145 followers55 tweets25 commits
87% match
avatar for _anxhl

Anshul Karande

@_anxhl222 followers59 tweets20 commits
86% match
avatar for chrisarrived


@chrisarrived88 followers49 tweets32 commits
86% match
avatar for caiojmini


@caiojmini481 followers60 tweets43 commits
86% match
avatar for conejo_dlasntra

Conejo de la Siniestra

@conejo_dlasntra1 followers58 tweets21 commits
86% match
avatar for deondotjs


@deondotjs7,900 followers56 tweets40 commits
85% match
avatar for 0xapollyon


@0xapollyon35 followers72 tweets27 commits
84% match
avatar for nelsonc24

Nelson cespedes

@nelsonc2442 followers76 tweets31 commits
84% match
avatar for tiggreen

Tigran Hakobyan

@tiggreen3,983 followers76 tweets31 commits
84% match
avatar for corneliuswebdev

Cornelius Web

@corneliuswebdev10 followers52 tweets24 commits
83% match
avatar for rayhogan

Ray Hogan

@rayhogan168 followers58 tweets44 commits
83% match