Rishi KumaršŸ„· spends 31% of their time tweeting and 69% of their time coding
Rishi KumaršŸ„· and Pratyush Ranjan Tiwari are 95% compatible as cofounders
Pratyush Ranjan Tiwari spends 66% of their time tweeting and 34% of their time coding
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avatar for themostafaosama

Mostafa š•

@themostafaosama60 followers917 tweets413 commits
98% match
avatar for ianmitchel1


@ianmitchel11,666 followers928 tweets394 commits
97% match
avatar for meisonsays

Ema Mason

@meisonsays122 followers948 tweets402 commits
97% match
avatar for cristhianjhlcom

cristhianjhl.com šŸ¦

@cristhianjhlcom91 followers890 tweets369 commits
96% match
avatar for adrielbaez

adriel baez

@adrielbaez58 followers940 tweets418 commits
96% match
avatar for kinsyudev

kinsyu ā˜€ļø

@kinsyudev409 followers860 tweets390 commits
96% match
avatar for croissanthology


@croissanthology153 followers910 tweets353 commits
96% match
avatar for weeeetard


@weeeetard258 followers914 tweets348 commits
95% match
avatar for mateusz_palak

Mateusz Palak

@mateusz_palak188 followers936 tweets434 commits
95% match
avatar for pratyushrt

Pratyush Ranjan Tiwari

@pratyushrt870 followers890 tweets456 commits
95% match
avatar for ayuxy027


@ayuxy0272,369 followers885 tweets351 commits
95% match
avatar for the_akhilesh_w

Akhileshw (on farcaster)

@the_akhilesh_w469 followers939 tweets362 commits
94% match
avatar for sanjaydevtech

Sanjay S

@sanjaydevtech690 followers867 tweets361 commits
94% match
avatar for xentoshi


@xentoshi727 followers866 tweets362 commits
94% match
avatar for marceloexc

lisp machines

@marceloexc91 followers946 tweets366 commits
94% match
avatar for _rovinsingh20

Rovin Singh

@_rovinsingh2032 followers952 tweets437 commits
94% match