avatar for robot0x01
☄️Abdullah Al-taheri
1,310 tweets
9,969 commits
☄️Abdullah Al-taheri spends 12% of their time tweeting and 88% of their time coding
☄️Abdullah Al-taheri and iago are 99% compatible as cofounders
10,094 tweets
1,327 commits
avatar for iagxferreira
iago spends 88% of their time tweeting and 12% of their time coding
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avatar for michellebakels

Michelle Bakels

@michellebakels6,973 followers9,995 tweets1,350 commits
99% match
avatar for 0xkofi


@0xkofi31,649 followers10,007 tweets1,282 commits
99% match
avatar for iagxferreira


@iagxferreira599 followers10,094 tweets1,327 commits
99% match
avatar for papaseca_


@papaseca_280 followers10,066 tweets1,397 commits
98% match
avatar for _est3ves

dinis esteves

@_est3ves457 followers9,783 tweets1,393 commits
98% match
avatar for aaronmallen

Aaron Allen

@aaronmallen254 followers9,892 tweets1,506 commits
98% match
avatar for cancu_eth

cancu.eth 🦇🔊

@cancu_eth1,966 followers10,210 tweets1,263 commits
97% match
avatar for da_wamwoowam

Wam ✨🌈

@da_wamwoowam646 followers9,765 tweets1,208 commits
97% match
avatar for uhnxz

Rod Bustamante 🚀

@uhnxz231 followers9,958 tweets1,648 commits
97% match
avatar for daggieblanqx

African Techie | Daggie Blanqx • (Douglas M.)

@daggieblanqx1,486 followers10,040 tweets1,031 commits
97% match
avatar for muhammedmoussa


@muhammedmoussa661 followers9,778 tweets1,488 commits
97% match
avatar for supercoco9

javier ramirez

@supercoco95,581 followers9,929 tweets979 commits
97% match
avatar for alexjoelee

Alex Lee

@alexjoelee521 followers9,963 tweets931 commits
97% match
avatar for gboncoffee


@gboncoffee231 followers9,565 tweets1,275 commits
96% match
avatar for alpererdogandev


@alpererdogandev917 followers9,984 tweets871 commits
96% match
avatar for scmofeoluwa

MF 🏌️

@scmofeoluwa271 followers9,722 tweets1,101 commits
96% match