avatar for mvyk0l
153 tweets
4,402 commits
Mvykool spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
Mvykool and Sam Kazemian (¤, ¤) are 97% compatible as cofounders
Sam Kazemian (¤, ¤) spends 98% of their time tweeting and 2% of their time coding
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@jlmarting110 followers4,406 tweets165 commits
100% match
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WYSIAim | iiNovaCore

@iinovacore425 followers4,454 tweets177 commits
98% match
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@synzr_252 followers4,400 tweets234 commits
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Tomi Tokko

@tomitokko35,282 followers4,391 tweets251 commits
98% match
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@shturno19 followers4,473 tweets193 commits
98% match
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Billy Chasen

@billychasen4,244 followers4,372 tweets69 commits
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Tim Clicks

@timclicks22,129 followers4,441 tweets231 commits
97% match
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@fredlons0328 followers4,495 tweets105 commits
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@nicknamegg_250 followers4,299 tweets115 commits
97% match
avatar for samkazemian

Sam Kazemian (¤, ¤)

@samkazemian37,905 followers4,309 tweets91 commits
97% match
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Timothy Meadows ⚛️

@birdgineer617 followers4,398 tweets0 commits
97% match
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Steven 💙

@estev96290 followers4,521 tweets191 commits
97% match
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Manuel Wenner

@manuelwenner980 followers4,462 tweets52 commits
96% match
avatar for apoorvlathey

Apoorv Lathey

@apoorvlathey6,788 followers4,418 tweets0 commits
96% match
avatar for nora26056


@nora26056717 followers4,256 tweets128 commits
96% match
avatar for vikhyatk


@vikhyatk8,052 followers4,260 tweets123 commits
96% match