avatar for naymmm_
2,768 tweets
546 commits
naymmm spends 84% of their time tweeting and 16% of their time coding
naymmm and Rifai are 98% compatible as cofounders
523 tweets
2,803 commits
avatar for rifaidev
Rifai spends 16% of their time tweeting and 84% of their time coding
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avatar for abhishvvek


@abhishvvek247 followers526 tweets2,743 commits
99% match
avatar for mikeneuder

mikeneuder.eth ⟠

@mikeneuder6,652 followers518 tweets2,747 commits
99% match
avatar for jmcharnes

Jason Charnes

@jmcharnes3,841 followers524 tweets2,799 commits
98% match
avatar for chill__eno

Antonio González

@chill__eno79 followers544 tweets2,821 commits
98% match
avatar for rifaidev


@rifaidev530 followers523 tweets2,803 commits
98% match
avatar for merkleplant_eth


@merkleplant_eth1,003 followers495 tweets2,788 commits
98% match
avatar for clrxbl


@clrxbl747 followers488 tweets2,783 commits
98% match
avatar for faaez


@faaez974 followers505 tweets2,801 commits
98% match
avatar for thejustinwalsh


@thejustinwalsh318 followers567 tweets2,825 commits
98% match
avatar for jekuer

Jens Kuerschner

@jekuer1,174 followers491 tweets2,796 commits
97% match
avatar for kb24x7

Kunal Bagaria

@kb24x72,112 followers492 tweets2,797 commits
97% match
avatar for solishuilen


@solishuilen114 followers493 tweets2,729 commits
97% match
avatar for m_amangupta


@m_amangupta260 followers488 tweets2,729 commits
97% match
avatar for hamdysaad112

Hamdy Saad

@hamdysaad112457 followers594 tweets2,825 commits
97% match
avatar for sky172839465

Yusong Hsu

@sky17283946515 followers461 tweets2,791 commits
97% match
avatar for maninak_

Kostis Maninakis

@maninak_142 followers626 tweets2,798 commits
97% match