avatar for codernicolas
3 tweets
182 commits
Nicolas spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
Nicolas and Danni are 89% compatible as cofounders
201 tweets
1 commits
avatar for aspro
Danni spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for anthonygg

anthony grasso

@anthonygg30 followers179 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for pasticcino23

Pasticcino 🍥

@pasticcino2330 followers178 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for salm9n


@salm9n65 followers178 tweets0 commits
96% match
avatar for 0brxce


@0brxce69 followers188 tweets4 commits
96% match
avatar for schooliedee


@schooliedee1,324 followers191 tweets3 commits
95% match
avatar for iamseeley

thomas seeley

@iamseeley100 followers176 tweets0 commits
95% match
avatar for bhaveshchhimwal

Bhavesh Chhimwal

@bhaveshchhimwal64 followers173 tweets1 commits
94% match
avatar for tetradotoxina


@tetradotoxina20 followers187 tweets9 commits
94% match
avatar for bolgo0

Bruno Esteban

@bolgo027 followers172 tweets1 commits
94% match
avatar for manlikegee_


@manlikegee_55 followers190 tweets9 commits
92% match
avatar for dami_rubio

Damian 🚀

@dami_rubio63 followers177 tweets12 commits
92% match
avatar for marclau

Claudia Ossandón

@marclau13 followers169 tweets4 commits
92% match
avatar for myselfayush_


@myselfayush_451 followers166 tweets3 commits
91% match
avatar for braismoure


@braismoure68 followers174 tweets11 commits
91% match
avatar for nicolasthy

Nicolas Thiry

@nicolasthy89 followers168 tweets0 commits
91% match
avatar for jmcazares

J.Manuel Cázares M.

@jmcazares7 followers198 tweets1 commits
90% match