The best cofounder for pedro is...

avatar for lucianommartins
Luciano Martins
avatar for pedro_as17
109 tweets
1,193 commits
pedro spends 8% of their time tweeting and 92% of their time coding
pedro and Luciano Martins are 100% compatible as cofounders
Luciano Martins
1,189 tweets
107 commits
avatar for lucianommartins
Luciano Martins spends 92% of their time tweeting and 8% of their time coding
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avatar for lussenta


@lussenta68 followers1,202 tweets116 commits
99% match
avatar for gubiarpa

Billy Arredondo

@gubiarpa88 followers1,201 tweets98 commits
99% match
avatar for rhecoparadhika

Rheco Paradhika

@rhecoparadhika79 followers1,183 tweets97 commits
98% match
avatar for dnbt777


@dnbt7771,331 followers1,179 tweets119 commits
98% match
avatar for peoii

Jamie Harrell

@peoii70 followers1,204 tweets125 commits
98% match
avatar for turoaguilera_

arturo aguilera 🚣🏻

@turoaguilera_199 followers1,171 tweets98 commits
97% match
avatar for jonniermartinez

Jonnier Martinez

@jonniermartinez133 followers1,173 tweets124 commits
97% match
avatar for ncjpr04

Nitin Choudhary

@ncjpr04791 followers1,208 tweets131 commits
97% match
avatar for emaia


@emaia416 followers1,203 tweets141 commits
97% match
avatar for yell038

- raii -

@yell03888 followers1,179 tweets137 commits
97% match
avatar for yusufokkabas


@yusufokkabas642 followers1,162 tweets84 commits
96% match
avatar for davidgustys

David Gustys

@davidgustys136 followers1,136 tweets111 commits
95% match
avatar for arunim_shukla

Arunim Shukla

@arunim_shukla485 followers1,201 tweets160 commits
95% match
avatar for ryanmr

Ryan Rampersad

@ryanmr543 followers1,137 tweets113 commits
95% match
avatar for dawaiboubakari


@dawaiboubakari205 followers1,244 tweets95 commits
95% match