The best cofounder for Priyabrata is...

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Git Maxd
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342 tweets
1,011 commits
Priyabrata spends 25% of their time tweeting and 75% of their time coding
Priyabrata and Git Maxd are 99% compatible as cofounders
Git Maxd
1,012 tweets
329 commits
avatar for gitmaxd
Git Maxd spends 75% of their time tweeting and 25% of their time coding
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Valentin 🚀

@valentin_mll290 followers986 tweets340 commits
98% match
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Gökhan Turhan | gokhan.eth 🧬💾🚀

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Creative Boy

@develop__it1,710 followers1,047 tweets318 commits
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Cihat Altuntaş

@caltuntas286 followers1,060 tweets322 commits
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Max Korpinen

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Bernd Strehl

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Gurú Gráfico™

@gurugrafico277 followers1,059 tweets373 commits
94% match
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Aang 🌪️

@aang0007385 followers1,056 tweets376 commits
94% match