avatar for rhitunedev
185 tweets
8 commits
dogus spends 96% of their time tweeting and 4% of their time coding
dogus and Pedro Anze are 97% compatible as cofounders
Pedro Anze
5 tweets
182 commits
avatar for pedroanze
Pedro Anze spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
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avatar for macarie_x


@macarie_x22 followers7 tweets187 commits
98% match
avatar for thischirag

Chirag Sharma

@thischirag321 followers12 tweets185 commits
98% match
avatar for pedroanze

Pedro Anze

@pedroanze1 followers5 tweets182 commits
97% match
avatar for adrianxquesada

Adrian Quesada

@adrianxquesada6 followers7 tweets179 commits
96% match
avatar for finlaymacklon

Finlay Macklon

@finlaymacklon8 followers6 tweets180 commits
96% match
avatar for tanoriruizs

Sebastian Gpe Tanori Ruiz

@tanoriruizs3 followers12 tweets181 commits
96% match
avatar for vt_codes

VT’ Burner

@vt_codes1 followers0 tweets185 commits
96% match
avatar for codernicolas


@codernicolas3 followers3 tweets182 commits
96% match
avatar for josuesauca

josue sauca

@josuesauca1 followers6 tweets179 commits
96% match
avatar for cletqui


@cletqui143 followers0 tweets186 commits
95% match
avatar for emsaumay


@emsaumay26 followers0 tweets184 commits
95% match
avatar for andy_castie

Andy Castle

@andy_castie24 followers2 tweets182 commits
95% match
avatar for rosember10


@rosember104 followers0 tweets187 commits
95% match
avatar for bblsuni

Logan Bryan

@bblsuni5 followers0 tweets187 commits
95% match
avatar for mrceoj


@mrceoj11 followers6 tweets194 commits
94% match
avatar for femm34

flávio moniz

@femm340 followers0 tweets182 commits
94% match