avatar for subhraneel55545
776 tweets
1,551 commits
Subhraneel spends 33% of their time tweeting and 67% of their time coding
Subhraneel and Özgür are 95% compatible as cofounders
1,617 tweets
735 commits
avatar for oezguerisbert
Özgür spends 69% of their time tweeting and 31% of their time coding
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avatar for ankitmishraexe


@ankitmishraexe205 followers1,517 tweets778 commits
98% match
avatar for bailey_luu

Bailey Luu (She/Her)

@bailey_luu441 followers1,533 tweets808 commits
98% match
avatar for tahatesser

Taha Tesser 💙

@tahatesser4,713 followers1,529 tweets746 commits
98% match
avatar for pewpewtron


@pewpewtron88 followers1,557 tweets837 commits
97% match
avatar for bgwastu

Bagas W

@bgwastu523 followers1,580 tweets823 commits
97% match
avatar for alan_buscaglia

Alan Buscaglia 

@alan_buscaglia413 followers1,575 tweets716 commits
96% match
avatar for spandan_twts

Spandan Mukherjee

@spandan_twts507 followers1,516 tweets726 commits
96% match
avatar for buckedunicorn

BuckedUnicorn 🦄

@buckedunicorn149 followers1,549 tweets679 commits
96% match
avatar for cl3verson3_

This is Cleverson ×͜×

@cl3verson3_77 followers1,635 tweets759 commits
96% match
avatar for salomartin

Martin Salo

@salomartin856 followers1,530 tweets695 commits
96% match
avatar for wrick7132

Pratyush Poddar

@wrick7132262 followers1,641 tweets792 commits
95% match
avatar for oezguerisbert


@oezguerisbert208 followers1,617 tweets735 commits
95% match
avatar for zuhaib44


@zuhaib44517 followers1,497 tweets835 commits
95% match
avatar for ayhanap

Ayhan Apaydın

@ayhanap389 followers1,624 tweets825 commits
95% match
avatar for sushantstwt

Sushant Mishra

@sushantstwt294 followers1,463 tweets737 commits
95% match
avatar for alexis_guijarro

Alexis Guijarro

@alexis_guijarro177 followers1,503 tweets696 commits
94% match