avatar for super_kenil
Kenil Sudani
249 tweets
773 commits
Kenil Sudani spends 24% of their time tweeting and 76% of their time coding
Kenil Sudani and Tin Rabzelj are 95% compatible as cofounders
Tin Rabzelj
797 tweets
276 commits
avatar for tinrab
Tin Rabzelj spends 74% of their time tweeting and 26% of their time coding
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avatar for callmeaaryan

Aaryan Mishra

@callmeaaryan80 followers778 tweets235 commits
98% match
avatar for jakepusateri

Jake Pusateri

@jakepusateri64 followers783 tweets260 commits
98% match
avatar for fonzanes


@fonzanes35 followers771 tweets276 commits
97% match
avatar for emillinden

Emil Lindén

@emillinden110 followers790 tweets232 commits
97% match
avatar for eighty4


@eighty438 followers748 tweets260 commits
96% match
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Ian Oliveira 💙

@ianoliveirag12772 followers763 tweets222 commits
96% match
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@akashhonline228 followers746 tweets236 commits
96% match
avatar for mvaodhan

Aodhan Hamilton

@mvaodhan1,512 followers807 tweets260 commits
96% match
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@doordashcon84 followers787 tweets280 commits
96% match
avatar for ayabo66

Aya Bochman

@ayabo66321 followers739 tweets237 commits
95% match
avatar for iranimij


@iranimij583 followers791 tweets278 commits
95% match
avatar for vvauban

Vincent VAUBAN 🇺🇸 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 💻

@vvauban37 followers724 tweets249 commits
95% match
avatar for tinrab

Tin Rabzelj

@tinrab140 followers797 tweets276 commits
95% match
avatar for yashltwts

Yash Londhe 💙

@yashltwts1,434 followers809 tweets233 commits
95% match
avatar for im_ashutoshg

Ashutosh Gupta

@im_ashutoshg122 followers747 tweets277 commits
95% match
avatar for fisheconomist

Sébastien Metz

@fisheconomist588 followers779 tweets298 commits
95% match