The best cofounder for Sushant Mishra is...

avatar for biogeek
Jeroen Van Goey
avatar for sushantstwt
Sushant Mishra
1,463 tweets
737 commits
Sushant Mishra spends 67% of their time tweeting and 34% of their time coding
Sushant Mishra and Jeroen Van Goey are 99% compatible as cofounders
Jeroen Van Goey
736 tweets
1,445 commits
avatar for biogeek
Jeroen Van Goey spends 34% of their time tweeting and 66% of their time coding
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@astraljaeger90 followers688 tweets1,469 commits
98% match
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Filipe Cabaco

@filipecabaco1,185 followers689 tweets1,456 commits
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Vincent TOSSOU (Vic-rider) 🅰️

@tossouvincenta1194 followers690 tweets1,486 commits
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Victor Bastos

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Cuervolu 🦉

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@aryan__deora1,369 followers704 tweets1,406 commits
96% match
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@lc_fd515 followers698 tweets1,516 commits
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Sotiris Kourouklis

@sotergreco557 followers686 tweets1,505 commits
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@us_khokhar38 followers773 tweets1,406 commits
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Abeer Mosaad 

@abeer_mosaad0892 followers747 tweets1,377 commits
96% match
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Alexander Gusev | blindnabler.eth

@blind_nabler494 followers802 tweets1,430 commits
96% match
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Tom Schindler

@schindlertom_667 followers634 tweets1,458 commits
95% match