avatar for sy1ve0n
1,517 tweets
4,145 commits
Sylveon spends 27% of their time tweeting and 73% of their time coding
Sylveon and Antonio are 95% compatible as cofounders
4,003 tweets
1,635 commits
avatar for antoniorv6
Antonio spends 71% of their time tweeting and 29% of their time coding
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avatar for thisizha


@thisizha78 followers4,162 tweets1,531 commits
99% match
avatar for dmdboi

Max Diamond 💎🚊

@dmdboi434 followers4,129 tweets1,453 commits
99% match
avatar for onestep621


@onestep621159 followers4,188 tweets1,414 commits
97% match
avatar for meqativ


@meqativ30 followers4,250 tweets1,586 commits
97% match
avatar for 0xsiddesh


@0xsiddesh2,163 followers4,040 tweets1,445 commits
97% match
avatar for david_ekete


@david_ekete893 followers4,001 tweets1,464 commits
97% match
avatar for rajatsandeepsen

Rajat Sandeep

@rajatsandeepsen410 followers4,316 tweets1,545 commits
96% match
avatar for pparce

José Guillermo Arce

@pparce843 followers4,046 tweets1,632 commits
96% match
avatar for ashwinexe

Ashwin Kumar Uppala (He/Him)

@ashwinexe7,496 followers4,130 tweets1,718 commits
96% match
avatar for magonxesp

El Huargen Magonx

@magonxesp60 followers4,007 tweets1,599 commits
96% match
avatar for gvoze32


@gvoze32120 followers4,219 tweets1,694 commits
96% match
avatar for 0xichigo

Ichigo | helius.dev

@0xichigo2,849 followers4,106 tweets1,303 commits
96% match
avatar for shreemaan_abhi

Abhishek Choudhary

@shreemaan_abhi1,166 followers3,926 tweets1,556 commits
95% match
avatar for antoniorv6


@antoniorv6362 followers4,003 tweets1,635 commits
95% match
avatar for yehezgun

Yehezkiel Gunawan

@yehezgun3,595 followers3,962 tweets1,423 commits
95% match
avatar for ricardov03

Ricardo Vargas

@ricardov03558 followers4,194 tweets1,752 commits
95% match