avatar for tamalcdip
Tamal Chakraborty
522 tweets
927 commits
Tamal Chakraborty spends 36% of their time tweeting and 64% of their time coding
Tamal Chakraborty and NazgulMX are 97% compatible as cofounders
908 tweets
497 commits
avatar for oscarwa
NazgulMX spends 65% of their time tweeting and 35% of their time coding
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avatar for skiupace


@skiupace1,887 followers919 tweets541 commits
98% match
avatar for datanicks


@datanicks410 followers931 tweets499 commits
98% match
avatar for devburakkizilay


@devburakkizilay246 followers913 tweets535 commits
98% match
avatar for washedlih


@washedlih91 followers920 tweets543 commits
98% match
avatar for malcx


@malcx83 followers939 tweets500 commits
98% match
avatar for urielartholim

Uriel Artholim

@urielartholim114 followers926 tweets556 commits
98% match
avatar for 0xthresh


@0xthresh283 followers925 tweets557 commits
97% match
avatar for naribuildsstuff

Nariman Jelveh

@naribuildsstuff2,677 followers906 tweets505 commits
97% match
avatar for binishmatheww

Binish Mathew

@binishmatheww81 followers894 tweets532 commits
97% match
avatar for mateusz_palak

Mateusz Palak

@mateusz_palak188 followers936 tweets487 commits
97% match
avatar for oscarwa


@oscarwa92 followers908 tweets497 commits
97% match
avatar for advaithj1


@advaithj15,243 followers972 tweets523 commits
97% match
avatar for hibangun


@hibangun2,172 followers947 tweets551 commits
97% match
avatar for burachuhadar

Bura Chuhadar

@burachuhadar151 followers971 tweets515 commits
96% match
avatar for urmil_bhavsar

Urmil Bhavsar

@urmil_bhavsar674 followers967 tweets534 commits
96% match
avatar for mr_7i74n

Shivansh Kumar

@mr_7i74n548 followers949 tweets485 commits
96% match