avatar for grgo6_
Tareq Rafed
441 tweets
3,499 commits
Tareq Rafed spends 11% of their time tweeting and 89% of their time coding
Tareq Rafed and Yasin Kavakli are 99% compatible as cofounders
Yasin Kavakli
3,503 tweets
470 commits
avatar for yasinkavakliat
Yasin Kavakli spends 88% of their time tweeting and 12% of their time coding
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avatar for elmonkig_

El MonkiG

@elmonkig_41 followers3,502 tweets438 commits
100% match
avatar for stylestrip


@stylestrip181 followers3,481 tweets437 commits
99% match
avatar for yasinkavakliat

Yasin Kavakli

@yasinkavakliat256 followers3,503 tweets470 commits
99% match
avatar for devlcq

Louis 🌍

@devlcq196 followers3,448 tweets431 commits
98% match
avatar for s4thv1k


@s4thv1k2,851 followers3,512 tweets392 commits
98% match
avatar for mikebrianop

Mike Brian Olivera

@mikebrianop766 followers3,551 tweets466 commits
98% match
avatar for augmentedcamel

Mikameel ᯅ

@augmentedcamel998 followers3,574 tweets415 commits
97% match
avatar for darthb86

Tim Janus

@darthb86618 followers3,534 tweets517 commits
97% match
avatar for ccbikai


@ccbikai2,225 followers3,403 tweets415 commits
97% match
avatar for justbkhere

BK | The Vorld ⚒️

@justbkhere770 followers3,413 tweets480 commits
97% match
avatar for ulilalbabm

ulil albab

@ulilalbabm779 followers3,376 tweets448 commits
97% match
avatar for nd_haryo


@nd_haryo222 followers3,440 tweets361 commits
96% match
avatar for oerytv

Oery 💤

@oerytv924 followers3,489 tweets298 commits
96% match
avatar for jolkertix


@jolkertix16 followers3,639 tweets456 commits
96% match
avatar for rogeranton23


@rogeranton2398 followers3,469 tweets313 commits
96% match
avatar for shivdeepakm

Shiv Deepak

@shivdeepakm504 followers3,637 tweets420 commits
96% match