The best cofounder for thamires ⊗ is...

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Luis Mayta
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thamires ⊗
80,859 tweets
12 commits
thamires ⊗ spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
thamires ⊗ and Luis Mayta are 97% compatible as cofounders
Luis Mayta
465 tweets
78,832 commits
avatar for slovacus
Luis Mayta spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
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avatar for mirzazaid92


@mirzazaid9244 followers707 tweets76,697 commits
94% match
avatar for mra1k3r0


@mra1k3r00 followers0 tweets75,216 commits
93% match
avatar for ywkem


@ywkem149 followers214 tweets74,488 commits
92% match
avatar for caarlos0


@caarlos02,741 followers2,897 tweets75,295 commits
90% match
avatar for ainxgans


@ainxgans43 followers1,030 tweets73,144 commits
89% match
avatar for iamdastani

Dastani Ferdinandi

@iamdastani886 followers878 tweets90,208 commits
87% match
avatar for rosskhanas

Ross 🇺🇦

@rosskhanas167 followers204 tweets70,066 commits
86% match
avatar for paulbiggar

Paul Biggar 🇵🇸🇮🇪

@paulbiggar29,288 followers8,767 tweets77,809 commits
85% match
avatar for codewithcaen

Code With Caen

@codewithcaen871 followers6,224 tweets88,193 commits
83% match
avatar for rohitpaulk

Paul Kuruvilla

@rohitpaulk1,077 followers2,123 tweets66,301 commits
79% match
avatar for andreineagoie

Andrei Neagoie

@andreineagoie49,937 followers4,607 tweets93,407 commits
79% match
avatar for mikemcquaid

Mike McQuaid

@mikemcquaid6,831 followers37 tweets63,627 commits
79% match
avatar for grahamjcampbell

Graham Campbell 🇺🇦

@grahamjcampbell10,374 followers7,053 tweets68,402 commits
76% match
avatar for teolemon

Pierre Slamich - @OpenFoodFacts 🤳🥫🌍

@teolemon1,196 followers3,201 tweets64,513 commits
76% match
avatar for mdo

Mark Otto

@mdo70,656 followers1,150 tweets62,400 commits
76% match