The best cofounder for thefourthlion is...

avatar for bensn_14
Benson Fernandes
avatar for the_fourthlion
49 tweets
212 commits
thefourthlion spends 19% of their time tweeting and 81% of their time coding
thefourthlion and Benson Fernandes are 97% compatible as cofounders
Benson Fernandes
207 tweets
53 commits
avatar for bensn_14
Benson Fernandes spends 80% of their time tweeting and 20% of their time coding
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avatar for silvrfur

Shruti Singh

@silvrfur146 followers204 tweets47 commits
96% match
avatar for _madushans

madushan 🎈

@_madushans18 followers223 tweets49 commits
96% match
avatar for nathandace

Nathan Dace

@nathandace65 followers213 tweets63 commits
94% match
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Ryan Seddon

@ryanseddon5,530 followers197 tweets47 commits
93% match
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@rairosu171 followers210 tweets33 commits
93% match
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Bryan~ 🐉

@bryanh27_15 followers224 tweets59 commits
92% match
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Ben Perlman

@benperlman251 followers212 tweets26 commits
91% match
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Erik PĂ©rez

@fer86638 followers190 tweets48 commits
91% match
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José Miguel Santos

@zemigsan207 followers190 tweets48 commits
91% match
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Lizardo Reyes Jara

@lizardoreyes_12 followers212 tweets77 commits
89% match
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Aniket vishwakarma

@aniketvish056 followers231 tweets60 commits
89% match
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bogun anton

@bogunanton8 followers232 tweets38 commits
88% match
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Aditya Yadav

@_its_adi263 followers238 tweets43 commits
88% match
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@oxtenma180 followers197 tweets32 commits
88% match
avatar for mattryanxyz

Matt Ryan

@mattryanxyz177 followers212 tweets16 commits
87% match