The best cofounder for Tonie is...

avatar for henrybui_io
Henry Bui
avatar for victortonie
2,815 tweets
2,234 commits
Tonie spends 56% of their time tweeting and 44% of their time coding
Tonie and Henry Bui are 99% compatible as cofounders
Henry Bui
2,230 tweets
2,841 commits
avatar for henrybui_io
Henry Bui spends 44% of their time tweeting and 56% of their time coding
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avatar for james406

James Hawkins

@james4066,145 followers2,213 tweets2,831 commits
99% match
avatar for aieidotch

Alex M.

@aieidotch160 followers2,214 tweets2,848 commits
99% match
avatar for 0xdhruva

Dhruv (🛠, 🇮🇳)

@0xdhruva1,758 followers2,230 tweets2,745 commits
99% match
avatar for nedwize

Nakshatra Saxena

@nedwize466 followers2,225 tweets2,741 commits
98% match
avatar for im_kuroneko

KuroNeko 🦄

@im_kuroneko172 followers2,277 tweets2,771 commits
98% match
avatar for juancitopenav

Juancito Peña V.

@juancitopenav70 followers2,122 tweets2,821 commits
98% match
avatar for usmangurowa


@usmangurowa382 followers2,147 tweets2,854 commits
98% match
avatar for ablenessy

Attila Blénesi

@ablenessy3,569 followers2,188 tweets2,932 commits
97% match
avatar for rusprice

Rus Price

@rusprice485 followers2,190 tweets2,693 commits
97% match
avatar for kholoudxs55kh


@kholoudxs55kh909 followers2,130 tweets2,877 commits
97% match
avatar for whynesspower

whynesspower ⟠

@whynesspower5,054 followers2,204 tweets2,672 commits
97% match
avatar for jkeussen

Joakim Keussen

@jkeussen759 followers2,189 tweets2,682 commits
96% match
avatar for razaanstha


@razaanstha381 followers2,331 tweets2,726 commits
96% match
avatar for fveiras_


@fveiras_1,572 followers2,091 tweets2,771 commits
96% match
avatar for orzklv


@orzklv103 followers2,276 tweets2,669 commits
96% match