avatar for trent_hopton
Trent Hopton
31 tweets
8,076 commits
Trent Hopton spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
Trent Hopton and izmir sanchez are 98% compatible as cofounders
izmir sanchez
8,126 tweets
138 commits
avatar for dfkuro
izmir sanchez spends 98% of their time tweeting and 2% of their time coding
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avatar for orionseven


@orionseven1,103 followers8,068 tweets26 commits
100% match
avatar for shaklen_ahmad

सक़लैन احمد

@shaklen_ahmad226 followers8,066 tweets11 commits
100% match
avatar for tsaha

Tamal Saha

@tsaha1,211 followers8,067 tweets1 commits
100% match
avatar for ethentree


@ethentree1,643 followers8,027 tweets7 commits
99% match
avatar for pwang_szn

peter! 🥷

@pwang_szn24,959 followers8,028 tweets0 commits
99% match
avatar for n3ptune_cpu


@n3ptune_cpu786 followers8,019 tweets6 commits
99% match
avatar for abhagsain

Anurag Bhagsain

@abhagsain2,458 followers8,017 tweets0 commits
99% match
avatar for its_me_mahmud

Abdullah Al Mahmud 💙

@its_me_mahmud230 followers8,099 tweets105 commits
99% match
avatar for zoom777

Jonathan Aldave

@zoom777557 followers8,174 tweets14 commits
99% match
avatar for battou_dev


@battou_dev358 followers8,045 tweets132 commits
98% match
avatar for marc_ism

C.S. Lewis

@marc_ism423 followers8,129 tweets114 commits
98% match
avatar for mmohsen547

Mohamed Mohsen

@mmohsen547346 followers8,171 tweets73 commits
98% match
avatar for juanalcp

🐥 Jueeeeeeeeeen 🐥

@juanalcp150 followers8,212 tweets20 commits
98% match
avatar for ashallendesign

Ash Allen 🚀

@ashallendesign7,041 followers8,197 tweets1 commits
98% match
avatar for marcellacafe


@marcellacafe188 followers7,931 tweets43 commits
98% match
avatar for dfkuro

izmir sanchez

@dfkuro278 followers8,126 tweets138 commits
98% match