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Valtteri Savonen
901 tweets
815 commits
Valtteri Savonen spends 53% of their time tweeting and 47% of their time coding
Valtteri Savonen and Abhijeet Singh are 97% compatible as cofounders
Abhijeet Singh
787 tweets
882 commits
avatar for zeusabhijeet
Abhijeet Singh spends 47% of their time tweeting and 53% of their time coding
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avatar for qeamlbackup


@qeamlbackup105 followers797 tweets888 commits
98% match
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Saidev Dhal

@saidevdhal279 followers840 tweets917 commits
98% match
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mundume — oss/acc

@nzai__1,942 followers789 tweets884 commits
97% match
avatar for aubreydll


@aubreydll121 followers795 tweets878 commits
97% match
avatar for zeusabhijeet

Abhijeet Singh

@zeusabhijeet193 followers787 tweets882 commits
97% match
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@asphaltk1cker76 followers830 tweets933 commits
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Kimbo Chen

@kimbochen225 followers844 tweets882 commits
97% match
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Gilberts Ahumada

@gilbertsahumada685 followers829 tweets864 commits
97% match
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Paul Crossley

@paulthtjazz95 followers849 tweets919 commits
97% match
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@devchapin760 followers822 tweets849 commits
97% match
avatar for ghimireveshraj

Veshraj Ghimire🇳🇵

@ghimireveshraj2,445 followers839 tweets865 commits
97% match
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Vedant Yetekar

@__vedant4903 followers776 tweets879 commits
96% match
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Jared M. Smith

@absynce132 followers839 tweets938 commits
96% match
avatar for dev_adityag

Aditya @DevSahayak

@dev_adityag165 followers811 tweets958 commits
96% match
avatar for suryasanchez1

Surya Sanchez

@suryasanchez1106 followers853 tweets872 commits
96% match
avatar for nikitayells

Nikita Agafonov

@nikitayells254 followers818 tweets968 commits
96% match