The best cofounder for Yash suthar is...

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Yash suthar
484 tweets
2,034 commits
Yash suthar spends 19% of their time tweeting and 81% of their time coding
Yash suthar and Tomato are 99% compatible as cofounders
2,031 tweets
463 commits
avatar for squashytomato
Tomato spends 81% of their time tweeting and 19% of their time coding
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avatar for santilapiana131


@santilapiana131135 followers1,999 tweets482 commits
99% match
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Simone Folador

@sfolador196 followers2,018 tweets431 commits
97% match
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Ritik Pal

@ritikpaltech1,139 followers2,027 tweets409 commits
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Orlando Guevara πŸ…

@codingtomato103 followers2,080 tweets445 commits
97% match
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Piyush Bhagchandani

@piyushstacks359 followers1,961 tweets497 commits
97% match
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Nik Shevchenko

@kodjima3311,854 followers2,074 tweets437 commits
97% match
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@qubeegen3,955 followers2,074 tweets537 commits
96% match
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@anushkag0313,554 followers1,995 tweets544 commits
96% match
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Eyayaw Beze

@eyayaw195 followers2,031 tweets589 commits
96% match
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nobody likes you det

@detactl408 followers1,973 tweets434 commits
96% match
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Souvik Kundu

@souvikkundu88583 followers2,099 tweets437 commits
96% match
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Dima Wolf

@diimdeep23 followers2,012 tweets388 commits
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@kapilreddy600 followers1,958 tweets528 commits
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avatar for coolbeans201

Matthew Weingarten

@coolbeans201255 followers2,083 tweets558 commits
95% match
avatar for trainerhol


@trainerhol409 followers2,156 tweets488 commits
95% match