avatar for 0xnoushad
659 tweets
389 commits
Noushad spends 63% of their time tweeting and 37% of their time coding
Noushad and Glenn Stovall are 97% compatible as cofounders
Glenn Stovall
372 tweets
642 commits
avatar for gsto
Glenn Stovall spends 37% of their time tweeting and 63% of their time coding
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avatar for vasujain275

Vasu Jain

@vasujain27550 followers399 tweets646 commits
98% match
avatar for bettercallgopal

Gopal Verma • The ⚛️ DEV

@bettercallgopal82 followers415 tweets660 commits
97% match
avatar for amisinghbista

Amit Singh Bisht

@amisinghbista143 followers391 tweets690 commits
97% match
avatar for gsto

Glenn Stovall

@gsto1,860 followers372 tweets642 commits
97% match
avatar for calebro_xyz


@calebro_xyz266 followers403 tweets681 commits
97% match
avatar for deepanshutwts

Deepanshu Arora

@deepanshutwts80 followers385 tweets692 commits
96% match
avatar for jessiebroke


@jessiebroke236 followers350 tweets659 commits
96% match
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Baptiste Devessier

@bdevessier380 followers373 tweets683 commits
96% match
avatar for thejulianio


@thejulianio1,807 followers419 tweets648 commits
96% match
avatar for pindjouf


@pindjouf163 followers425 tweets665 commits
96% match
avatar for bobertoyin


@bobertoyin65 followers379 tweets693 commits
96% match
avatar for eojeel

Joe Lee

@eojeel133 followers385 tweets618 commits
96% match
avatar for fabianjkrueger


@fabianjkrueger146 followers360 tweets640 commits
95% match
avatar for esteban_x64

Esteban Maya Cadavid

@esteban_x64357 followers359 tweets641 commits
95% match
avatar for trishitchar


@trishitchar63 followers437 tweets660 commits
95% match
avatar for martinovicdev

Boris Martinovic

@martinovicdev131 followers418 tweets681 commits
95% match