avatar for 7nolikov
Dmitrii Novikov
1,024 tweets
1,129 commits
Dmitrii Novikov spends 48% of their time tweeting and 52% of their time coding
Dmitrii Novikov and WeNext are 97% compatible as cofounders
1,124 tweets
1,074 commits
avatar for weijunext
WeNext spends 51% of their time tweeting and 49% of their time coding
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avatar for bandarhl


@bandarhl13,846 followers1,124 tweets997 commits
99% match
avatar for samjshore

Sam Shore

@samjshore3,574 followers1,160 tweets1,038 commits
98% match
avatar for mattespoz

Matt Espinoza ✦

@mattespoz3,498 followers1,151 tweets1,052 commits
98% match
avatar for includenull

includenull 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

@includenull207 followers1,129 tweets1,077 commits
98% match
avatar for stratejake


@stratejake2,983 followers1,118 tweets981 commits
97% match
avatar for weijunext


@weijunext13,021 followers1,124 tweets1,074 commits
97% match
avatar for aditya90546170


@aditya90546170126 followers1,123 tweets964 commits
97% match
avatar for williambakst

William Bakst

@williambakst338 followers1,121 tweets964 commits
97% match
avatar for hallo_w3lt

Víctor Domínguez

@hallo_w3lt167 followers1,093 tweets978 commits
96% match
avatar for fewmoreliqs


@fewmoreliqs1,013 followers1,079 tweets1,057 commits
96% match
avatar for bentlegen

Ben Vinegar

@bentlegen4,784 followers1,054 tweets1,013 commits
96% match
avatar for jamessampica

James Sampica

@jamessampica110 followers1,172 tweets981 commits
96% match
avatar for cantpr09ram


@cantpr09ram10 followers1,169 tweets1,073 commits
96% match
avatar for vergauwen_simon

Simon Vergauwen

@vergauwen_simon2,061 followers1,160 tweets965 commits
96% match
avatar for denniszelada

Dennis Zelada

@denniszelada209 followers1,180 tweets971 commits
95% match
avatar for amanat361


@amanat361357 followers1,028 tweets1,029 commits
95% match