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Unknown guy
646 tweets
128 commits
Unknown guy spends 83% of their time tweeting and 17% of their time coding
Unknown guy and Yash Jain are 96% compatible as cofounders
Yash Jain
116 tweets
662 commits
avatar for 0xyash_jain
Yash Jain spends 15% of their time tweeting and 85% of their time coding
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avatar for laowaidoug

(老外) Doug

@laowaidoug24 followers125 tweets649 commits
99% match
avatar for lucasgs

Lucas German Sanchez

@lucasgs62 followers126 tweets642 commits
99% match
avatar for shubhisroking


@shubhisroking46 followers119 tweets647 commits
99% match
avatar for markvaneijk

Mark van Eijk

@markvaneijk200 followers120 tweets640 commits
98% match
avatar for ivangcode


@ivangcode18 followers119 tweets652 commits
98% match
avatar for ibraheemdev

Ibraheem Ahmed

@ibraheemdev433 followers120 tweets639 commits
98% match
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Cal Henderson

@iamcal10,757 followers138 tweets641 commits
98% match
avatar for iwaffles

Matt Gardner

@iwaffles1,224 followers120 tweets658 commits
97% match
avatar for gxres042

Restent Ou

@gxres04217 followers111 tweets649 commits
97% match
avatar for fcxs

Florence Chen

@fcxs91 followers127 tweets665 commits
97% match
avatar for sid_alluri


@sid_alluri74 followers145 tweets642 commits
97% match
avatar for rashidlaasri

Rachid Laasri

@rashidlaasri1,013 followers133 tweets662 commits
97% match
avatar for icaksh

Palguno Wicaksono

@icaksh287 followers121 tweets663 commits
97% match
avatar for reeversedev

Prateek Gogia 💭

@reeversedev4,087 followers118 tweets662 commits
97% match
avatar for fay_carsons

Fay λ

@fay_carsons361 followers137 tweets665 commits
96% match
avatar for 0xyash_jain

Yash Jain

@0xyash_jain65 followers116 tweets662 commits
96% match