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Swapnil Soni
avatar for aikoyori on 🦋
6,264 tweets
1,018 commits on 🦋 spends 86% of their time tweeting and 14% of their time coding on 🦋 and Swapnil Soni are 99% compatible as cofounders
Swapnil Soni
994 tweets
6,207 commits
avatar for swapnilsoni1999
Swapnil Soni spends 14% of their time tweeting and 86% of their time coding
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avatar for matt_colman

Matt Colman

@matt_colman331 followers1,000 tweets6,330 commits
99% match
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Jacob Birkett

@spikespaz56 followers939 tweets6,271 commits
99% match
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William Seward

@wrseward161 followers949 tweets6,242 commits
99% match
avatar for timonvspronsen

Timon van Spronsen

@timonvspronsen360 followers1,124 tweets6,275 commits
98% match
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Mauricio R. Duarte

@mauriciord559 followers900 tweets6,274 commits
98% match
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@gt_codes936 followers1,026 tweets6,386 commits
98% match
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@dylandesrosier1,060 followers1,025 tweets6,390 commits
98% match
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Vladimir Kalnitsky

@klntsky493 followers919 tweets6,219 commits
98% match
avatar for crisogx


@crisogx506 followers1,084 tweets6,165 commits
98% match
avatar for jonwalch

Jon Walch

@jonwalch420 followers1,091 tweets6,126 commits
97% match
avatar for weihanglo

Weihang Lo 𓃺𓃹

@weihanglo898 followers840 tweets6,218 commits
97% match
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@hellokillian23,249 followers860 tweets6,332 commits
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@uguareschi748 followers1,114 tweets6,125 commits
97% match
avatar for manuhortet


@manuhortet531 followers803 tweets6,284 commits
97% match
avatar for pondorasti

Alexandru Ţurcanu

@pondorasti1,964 followers792 tweets6,247 commits
97% match