avatar for alpluspluss
211 tweets
603 commits
Al spends 26% of their time tweeting and 74% of their time coding
Al and rick are 97% compatible as cofounders
599 tweets
231 commits
avatar for rckprtr
rick spends 72% of their time tweeting and 28% of their time coding
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avatar for _weidai

Wei Dai

@_weidai5,971 followers591 tweets219 commits
98% match
avatar for badxcode

Bad Code

@badxcode190 followers605 tweets193 commits
98% match
avatar for poullorca

Poul Lorca Dev💻

@poullorca107 followers608 tweets195 commits
97% match
avatar for brite0x


@brite0x187 followers622 tweets208 commits
97% match
avatar for rckprtr


@rckprtr1,930 followers599 tweets231 commits
97% match
avatar for mani_xsh


@mani_xsh599 followers596 tweets194 commits
97% match
avatar for joeyjjooste

Joey Jooste

@joeyjjooste56 followers608 tweets240 commits
96% match
avatar for gautamkhatri05


@gautamkhatri05617 followers598 tweets241 commits
96% match
avatar for bogotesr


@bogotesr113 followers599 tweets179 commits
96% match
avatar for lovekush_pranu

Love Kush Pranu

@lovekush_pranu71 followers620 tweets230 commits
96% match
avatar for nabil__salah

Nabil Salah

@nabil__salah421 followers570 tweets215 commits
95% match
avatar for mikekenneth77

Mike K 👨🏾‍💻

@mikekenneth77170 followers577 tweets222 commits
95% match
avatar for juarezsalmoran


@juarezsalmoran17 followers633 tweets219 commits
95% match
avatar for britwerewolf

British Werewolf 🐺

@britwerewolf43 followers610 tweets243 commits
95% match
avatar for otterolie

Otter 🦦

@otterolie3,312 followers585 tweets237 commits
95% match
avatar for dakshiblue


@dakshiblue243 followers602 tweets168 commits
95% match