avatar for amanbairagi30
Aman Kumar Bairagi
1,011 tweets
582 commits
Aman Kumar Bairagi spends 63% of their time tweeting and 37% of their time coding
Aman Kumar Bairagi and Andres Felipe Escallon Portilla are 99% compatible as cofounders
Andres Felipe Escallon Portilla spends 36% of their time tweeting and 64% of their time coding
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avatar for felipeescallon

Andres Felipe Escallon Portilla

@felipeescallon353 followers575 tweets1,013 commits
99% match
avatar for lucasjv92

Lucas Jonatan Vargas

@lucasjv9284 followers574 tweets1,002 commits
99% match
avatar for mvishalx


@mvishalx40 followers598 tweets1,015 commits
99% match
avatar for saurabhdawaree

Saurabh 🌻

@saurabhdawaree6,905 followers571 tweets1,022 commits
99% match
avatar for jaycelab


@jaycelab300 followers598 tweets1,004 commits
99% match
avatar for ahmeetkok

Ahmet Kök

@ahmeetkok611 followers596 tweets991 commits
98% match
avatar for ismellike

ismellike (🏆,🥇)

@ismellike128 followers588 tweets982 commits
98% match
avatar for youngquantongxu


@youngquantongxu148 followers546 tweets1,007 commits
97% match
avatar for garrrikkotua

Igor Kotua

@garrrikkotua594 followers619 tweets1,029 commits
97% match
avatar for justinjunodev

Justin Juno

@justinjunodev660 followers534 tweets1,022 commits
96% match
avatar for zcin


@zcin308 followers551 tweets1,040 commits
96% match
avatar for shubham9411

Shubham Pandey

@shubham9411147 followers615 tweets1,040 commits
96% match
avatar for jaume_0to1

Jaume Gelabert

@jaume_0to1460 followers518 tweets1,011 commits
96% match
avatar for haykkonenhr


@haykkonenhr239 followers593 tweets1,065 commits
96% match
avatar for taha_ahmed_taha

Taha Ahmed

@taha_ahmed_taha453 followers550 tweets976 commits
96% match
avatar for kagancansit

Kağan Can Şit

@kagancansit71 followers626 tweets1,035 commits
96% match