avatar for averithefox
94 tweets
128,448 commits
Averi spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
Averi and ダビッド トレス are 95% compatible as cofounders
ダビッド トレス
124,548 tweets
2,136 commits
avatar for dabiddokun
ダビッド トレス spends 98% of their time tweeting and 2% of their time coding
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avatar for matalaz

Joxean Koret (@joxean@mastodon.social)

@matalaz8,042 followers125,023 tweets880 commits
97% match
avatar for brendaneich


@brendaneich182,152 followers123,918 tweets149 commits
96% match
avatar for masoodalam51

Shaikh Masood Alam

@masoodalam518,487 followers124,095 tweets431 commits
96% match
avatar for _juhxx_

Juh 🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️☭

@_juhxx_3,323 followers123,766 tweets492 commits
96% match
avatar for dabiddokun

ダビッド トレス

@dabiddokun1,358 followers124,548 tweets2,136 commits
95% match
avatar for cumuloworks

Cumuloworks ☁

@cumuloworks7,249 followers123,097 tweets783 commits
95% match
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@gostavovinicius1,283 followers122,139 tweets96 commits
95% match
avatar for kyhwana

GrumpSec Spottycat 🏳️‍🌈🐆

@kyhwana3,328 followers135,595 tweets214 commits
94% match
avatar for nurodev


@nurodev1,260 followers134,120 tweets1,898 commits
94% match
avatar for totegamma


@totegamma1,390 followers129,375 tweets7,296 commits
94% match
avatar for kojoidrissa

Kojo @ 🏠

@kojoidrissa2,837 followers124,411 tweets4,442 commits
93% match
avatar for theshroppiebeek

Simon Emms

@theshroppiebeek1,513 followers125,862 tweets6,149 commits
93% match
avatar for cleanycloth


@cleanycloth636 followers137,075 tweets158 commits
93% match
avatar for iamukasa

Irving Amukasa

@iamukasa4,965 followers136,740 tweets656 commits
93% match
avatar for scomma


@scomma19,832 followers124,015 tweets4,779 commits
93% match
avatar for oofdere

oofdere@:3 | :3/acc

@oofdere632 followers135,920 tweets2,689 commits
92% match