Ayzerobug | Building MVPs and SAAS spends 14% of their time tweeting and 86% of their time coding
Ayzerobug | Building MVPs and SAAS and Shyam Tawli | Full Stack Developer are 98% compatible as cofounders
Shyam Tawli | Full Stack Developer spends 85% of their time tweeting and 15% of their time coding
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avatar for _saisarah


@_saisarah4,468 followers8,214 tweets1,284 commits
99% match
avatar for ezra_black_

Ezra Black

@ezra_black_2,074 followers8,157 tweets1,404 commits
99% match
avatar for denehoffman


@denehoffman382 followers8,068 tweets1,203 commits
98% match
avatar for dkaerit


@dkaerit262 followers8,168 tweets1,435 commits
98% match
avatar for anshrathodfr

Ansh Rathod

@anshrathodfr1,527 followers8,152 tweets1,459 commits
98% match
avatar for shyam_tawli

Shyam Tawli | Full Stack Developer

@shyam_tawli2,129 followers8,076 tweets1,425 commits
98% match
avatar for miriamgonp

Míriam González

@miriamgonp40,546 followers8,137 tweets1,092 commits
98% match
avatar for dobequalnsd

anonymous capybara

@dobequalnsd89 followers7,964 tweets1,368 commits
97% match
avatar for adedotxn


@adedotxn343 followers8,116 tweets1,564 commits
97% match
avatar for piluvitu

Paulo Victor🤠

@piluvitu106 followers8,349 tweets1,207 commits
97% match
avatar for gatinoko

nekopilled kittymoder

@gatinoko98 followers7,965 tweets1,156 commits
97% match
avatar for sigmatechrblx


@sigmatechrblx1,235 followers8,296 tweets1,439 commits
97% match
avatar for cnivolle

Clement Nivolle 🎨

@cnivolle1,484 followers8,355 tweets1,200 commits
97% match
avatar for ernestoflames

Ernesto Flames

@ernestoflames894 followers8,135 tweets951 commits
96% match
avatar for mariakhalusova

Maria Khalusova

@mariakhalusova5,149 followers8,177 tweets1,602 commits
96% match
avatar for rainygirl_


@rainygirl_23,199 followers7,764 tweets1,268 commits
96% match