avatar for bevatsal1122
294 tweets
2,499 commits
Vatsal spends 11% of their time tweeting and 89% of their time coding
Vatsal and Steffen Röcker are 98% compatible as cofounders
Steffen Röcker
2,504 tweets
334 commits
avatar for sroecker
Steffen Röcker spends 88% of their time tweeting and 12% of their time coding
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avatar for drewrobertsmith

Drew Smith

@drewrobertsmith443 followers2,495 tweets291 commits
100% match
avatar for enewsontweet

enews??? 

@enewsontweet114 followers2,486 tweets293 commits
99% match
avatar for luislandaetam

Luis Landaeta

@luislandaetam74 followers2,498 tweets336 commits
98% match
avatar for lramirezq

Luis Ramirez Queupul

@lramirezq176 followers2,459 tweets290 commits
98% match
avatar for sroecker

Steffen Röcker

@sroecker1,526 followers2,504 tweets334 commits
98% match
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@andydoteth2,735 followers2,540 tweets284 commits
98% match
avatar for darshansheta

Darshan Sheta

@darshansheta178 followers2,546 tweets312 commits
98% match
avatar for nestorazurmendi

Néstor A.J.

@nestorazurmendi242 followers2,418 tweets298 commits
97% match
avatar for filisantillan

Fili Santillán 💻

@filisantillan2,506 followers2,413 tweets297 commits
97% match
avatar for muhaksim

Muhammad Abdullahi

@muhaksim407 followers2,460 tweets350 commits
97% match
avatar for seb0pf0

Seba G.

@seb0pf088 followers2,542 tweets227 commits
96% match
avatar for elvisfinol

Elvis Finol

@elvisfinol1,374 followers2,462 tweets219 commits
96% match
avatar for gandamu_ml


@gandamu_ml16,196 followers2,535 tweets217 commits
96% match
avatar for vulbyte


@vulbyte166 followers2,452 tweets367 commits
96% match
avatar for zacksaiff

Zakaria Saif 🥷

@zacksaiff10,746 followers2,412 tweets331 commits
96% match
avatar for themhv


@themhv158 followers2,465 tweets387 commits
95% match