The best cofounder for BTMC is...

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Sher Skin
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5,834 tweets
6 commits
BTMC spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
BTMC and Sher Skin are 100% compatible as cofounders
Sher Skin
0 tweets
5,849 commits
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Sher Skin spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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@garious0 followers0 tweets5,805 commits
99% match
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Ludovic Gueth

@ludovicgueth161 followers19 tweets5,863 commits
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@nxtcoder177 followers6 tweets5,780 commits
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@sudhackar7 followers2 tweets5,780 commits
99% match
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Justin Yu

@justinyu__224 followers20 tweets5,790 commits
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Jean Cheng

@shps9510230 followers2 tweets5,778 commits
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Jamiul Bari

@jamiulbari7 followers20 tweets5,766 commits
99% match
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Cody Estes 🦘

@cousinmayan312 followers71 tweets5,808 commits
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@zhiyuanzmj56 followers62 tweets5,873 commits
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Sergio Carracedo

@sergiocarracedo858 followers100 tweets5,831 commits
98% match
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ryoh | 平間 崚

@ryoh555572 followers58 tweets5,883 commits
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Tamas Erdos

@erdostom4 followers1 tweets5,732 commits
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@iketiunn17 followers60 tweets5,903 commits
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Vinicius Kloppel

@viniciuskloppel0 followers2 tweets5,714 commits
98% match
avatar for paurakhsharma

Paurakh Sharma 💙

@paurakhsharma555 followers96 tweets5,870 commits
98% match